Thursday, December 6, 2007

i will post emails i have been sending during this last week as we said goodbye to our granddaughter, born 2 months early due to our daughter's placenta abruption. in 4 short minutes at 30 and 1/2 weeks gestation, Sydney Grace fell asleep inside her mother's womb and woke in the arms of Jesus. i can hardly believe i've just typed those words; it has truly been a nightmare from which we can't awake. our daughter and her husband are broken, despairing, confused and questioning. just today the personalized christmas ornaments arrived in the mail - one for Liam (3) and one for Sydney Grace. cruel. had i known, i would have chased the mailman down the street and ripped the mailbag from his shoulder and heaved it as far into the arroyo as i could. they are desperately trying to hold onto their faith. they are trying to really feel jesus' presence; sometimes they can't. i assure them he is still there. it is 2am. our daughter has been given meds to help her sleep; if i stay up very late, when i crawl into bed i am more likely to fall asleep quickly. we are trying to keep the thoughts of Sydney and the dreams for her from haunting us at night. i have nothing else to say.

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