Friday, December 7, 2007

blessed be your name?

so, if God allows our suffering so that we will draw closer to Him, how much suffering is enough? if we don't get it and continue to stay far from him, does He continue to allow suffering into our life? if we get it and begin to know that intimacy, is our suffering over? i know some people who are the most spiritual, most holy people who are so close to Him that a breath of air can't pass between them. they don't seem to have suffering. so is that the answer? if i pray for my grown children to know Him more, does that mean i am condemning them to some horrible suffering that would once again rip at my heart? when i sand "i want to know you more" years ago, but didn't, was that when God said "i'll help you know me more but it's going to hurt like hell"? if i don't desire that intimacy, if i live my live without wanting to know Him better, does mean that God will leave me alone? i ask these questions for my daughter without her knowledge.

blessed be your name on a road marked with suffering there's pain in the offering blessed be your name...


Jen said...

I am praying for you and your daughter and have been since I saw your comment on Boothe's or Angie's blogs. I can't remember which. I too have been drawn to all these tragic stories and have been praying for these families who have such amazing faith. You and your daughter and her family are on my mind and in my prayers as well.

Heather said...

this is one of the most powerful, honest, incredible things i have ever read. i too wonder at suffering.. wonder at sharing in the sufferring of Christ, wonder at the apparent protection of some, and the allowance of pain for others.
i lift you up to Jesus, as he holds you during this unimaginable time of grief. thank you for sharing such deep and intimate thoughts.