Wednesday, December 26, 2007

an angel told her so......

you know, mary and joseph had it easy. i mean, when an angel shows up and starts talking to you, you KNOW you believe. when mary misses her "monthly visitor" and KNOWS she hasn't been with a man, you KNOW you believe. not to say there aren't difficulties along the way, but man, their faith must have been unwavering.

it seems to me it would be easier to accept things if you don't believe God is in complete control. that doesn't mean you don't believe - but if God isn't in complete control and circumstances just happen, then there don't have to be questions. there doesn't have to be "explain this to me so i understand" please. it is simply you-know-what happens and there it is. move on. maybe it's just in the afterwards that He works in us. maybe he doesn't allow or not allow things - they just happen. then we have to figure out what to do with it all.

watching my daughter cry and holding her hand and laying beside her in bed christmas morning is something that no one can explain unless you've been there. she is brave and puts on a brave face a lot of the time - but it is agony for her and it takes every bit of strength she has to pull it off. she wonders how she can be so obsessed with something that is gone forever when she has a precious three-year-old who should have her complete attention. she is a wonderful mother and her little boy loves her dearly and he'll be fine through this. but right now, only 3 weeks down the road, she is still raw and bruised and crushed.

i wish those things that happened in biblical times would happen again. for her. i wish an angel would come to her and she would hear a soft voice that explains to her what in the heck is going on and if she could have hope for the future. i don't know enough to know if mary knew what her Son would face thirty-something years down the road - she just knew He would be Special.

because an angel told her so.

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