Friday, February 8, 2008

what's a mother to do?

she still struggles.
i can't help her.
i have no words.
i can't fix it.
but i am her mother.
i am supposed to make things all better.
ginger ale for tummy aches.
hot tea for sore throats.
heating pad for cramps.
hugs for broken relationships.
understanding for a bad test grade.
i am supposed to make things better.
but i can't fix it.
my heart breaks.
and again.


Carolyn said...

Just hold on to her and continue to love her as perfectly as you do.

Sometimes we can help fix the big and little hurts, but I know too there are just those times when only OUR LORD can fix them.

I hurt and ache for you. I pray for your strength and stamina to continue to be strong for her but also deal with your own pain and worry.

Much Love

Emily said...

I just got your comment on my blog and although I am not sure how you found me I will say that I am thankful so I could link to your blog.
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Sydney Grace. I cannot imagine the pain your family is enduring. My oldest sister has been through two miscarriages and what you have written hits home for me. Although it has been a few years now, she still hurts and I still do not know what to do for her except love her.
I will pray for your family as you trudge through this valley.