Monday, January 14, 2008

don't drink from the tank.....

"As for you, my brothers and sisters, who have not to preach, the best food for you is the Word of God itself. Sermons and books are well enough, but streams that run for a long distance above ground gradually gather for themselves somewhat of the soil through which they flow, and they lose the cool freshness with which they started from the spring head. Truth is sweetest where it breaks from the smitten Rock, for at its first gush it has lost none of its heavenliness and vitality. It is always best to drink at the well and not from the tank. You shall find that reading the Word of God for yourselves, reading it rather than notes upon it, is the surest way of growing in grace. Drink of the unadulterated milk of the Word of God, and not of the skim milk, or the milk and water of man's word." (Charles Spurgeon)

isn't this the most beautiful truth-prose? i italicized the parts that i think are the most poetic! i LOVE this quote. now THIS is what growth is all about!


gracelaced said...

i love spurgeon, and have not read this particular insight before--thank you for sharing. love and prayers to you.

Kristian and Katy said...

beautiful! thanks for sharing. really good to hear today.


Kristyn said...

Jan, I'm sorry I'm just now getting around to checking your blog. I'll have to put you on our blogroll so I can come back and read regularly. And we are SO very sorry for your family's loss. We have been praying ever since we found out!! Much Love and Prayers, The Holleman's